First fill your basket

  • Browse or search to find what you want, adjust the quantity and weight to your requirements and then click 'add to basket'.
  • At any time you can go to the basket page and make changes to your shopping, such as change a quantity or take something out. You can also see any discounts that will be applied when you place your order.

Now book your delivery

  • To book your delivery or collection go to the delivery page.
    • If you were not logged in you will be redirected to the login page.
    • If you are a new customer you will need to register.
  • Reserve the delivery or collection you want by clicking on one of the available choices.
  • Your delivery day and time is now reserved for two hours to allow you to complete your shopping and checkout your order.

Finally checkout

  • On the checkout page you will be able to leave any special instruction you have for us and decide if you will allow us to make substitutions. It will also display the total value of your order and how you can pay.
  • If you choose to pay by debit or credit card you will be taken to another screen where you will be asked for your billing details. This is typically the card holder's full name and the address where the card is registered. Click "continue". You will now be asked to enter your card details.
  • Click on the 'place order' button.
  • Your order confirmation will appear on the screen along with the email address we have just sent a confirmation email to.

Further information

When you place an order the card details you give us are verified by and securely stored with our payment gateway provider. They are never seen by us at any time. When your order is prepared and the actual weights known we recalculate the order value and take the payment. The delivery note that accompanies your order will tell you the weights and how much you were charged.

For more information please see our terms and delivery information pages.